Suleyman Selcuk

We had a chat with one of our newly graduated Full-Stack Developer,
Suleyman Selcuk, and discovered his journey at our company.
Keep reading to learn more!

Suleyman og Arne Eivind
Suleyman on the right together with CEO Arne Eivind

1. Hi Suleyman, we start with your journey in Sharebox, when did you start, and what are your duties?

I started at Sharebox in June 2023 as a Full-Stack Developer. My main responsibilities include the development of the Sharebox API, Sharebox Adminweb, and Sharebox Kiosk Software. In addition to development, I also handle customer support and work on customer-specific configurations, ensuring that our solutions meet their unique needs and expectations.

2. Can you describe a typical day for you at Sharebox?

A typical day at Sharebox starts with checking my emails and going through Jira tickets to see if there are any new tasks assigned. If there are new tickets, I prioritize and work on them; if not, I continue with pending tasks or find new ones in the backlog. My day often involves a mix of coding, debugging, and collaborating with team members to optimize our software solutions. I also spend time addressing customer queries and making any necessary configurations to tailor our software to their specific requirements.

3. What brought you to Sharebox? And can you tell us a bit about your background before you started here?

Before joining Sharebox, I was on my last year of my bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in AI and IoT. My interest in software development and IoT made Sharebox an ideal place to work. The combination of innovative software development with real-world IoT applications drew me in, and as a student, the hands-on experience and learning opportunities here have been invaluable for my professional growth.

4. Which tools/programs do you use most in your work?

The tools I frequently use include Jira for project management, Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for coding, and Bitbucket for version control. Additionally, I work alot with Raspberry Pi and Linux, and often code in languages like TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, and C++.

5. What do you like best about your job at Sharebox, and do you have any tips for potential new employees who are about to start?

One of the best things about working at Sharebox is the dynamic and supportive environment. There’s a strong emphasis on collaboration and continuous learning, which is crucial in a fast-paced tech environment. For new employees, my advice would be to stay curious and embrace the learning curve. Don’t hesitate to dive into new challenges, and make the most of the resources and knowledge available within the team. It’s a place where your ideas can really make an impact.

6. And finally, who is Suleyman outside of work?

Outside of work, I’m deeply committed to my studies, often spending time in the library or working on hobby projects to “expand and update my knowledge”—since technology seems to evolve at lightning speed! I keep a regular exercise routine to stay fit and energized, and I’m passionate about playing football, which is a great way to unwind. I’ve also been learning to cook different dishes, an important skill for a student who wants to avoid relying on frozen pizza every day. In my free time, I enjoy catching up with friends, whether it’s over a meal I’ve prepared or during a friendly football match.

Thank you for sharing a bit about your work in Sharebox Suleyman. Keep up the good work you do for us and good luck with your master’s degree in AI and IoT, it’s really exciting!