
We help automotive aftersales, workshops and car rentals thrive in the transformative age by refreshing themselves constantly, experimenting with new ideas, self-service technology and scaling successes.

What Sharebox can do for you

We help businesses transform and help mitigate the risks that digital transformation creates with 38 digital tools covering the entire Customer Journey from ordering a vehicle for service to picking it up including market-leading payment options. Airport car rental sites can have a plug-and-play kiosk system self-served from booking online to pick up the car at the airport.

Examples of work

We helped a nordic car dealership to transform digitally. 71 sites and over 4.000 employees, have invested for the future and implemented 24/7 Key Drop-off kiosk technology and automated workflows in after-sales to create the best self-served workshop journey for 750.000 customers.

We helped a car rental network create an organization-wide turnaround program, introducing self-service airport check-in with the help of customer’s smartphones, including automated key dispeners.

Read more: Blog

Contact Kjetil

Every business needs to be ready to transform customer experience and satisfaction, since utilization of modern digital tools comes along with more efficient and convenient services.

Our goal is to provide guidance and expertise at every stage of the digital transformation – from implementing integrations, to realising business outcomes.

Kind Regards,

Kjetil Faye Lund
+47 909 23 795