API Integrations

Sharebox offer first-class customer journeys with an extended network of partners, specialized on automation from simple paperless contracts to onboarding and compliance solutions for regulated businesses. ; e-signing portal, ID verification, payment, APIs, managed services and DMS integrations.

Payment Gateway Integrations

Sharebox offers simple and flexible online payment for your customers. The checkout is an important part of the end-to-end customer journey: this is where customers pay and complete the purchase.

DMS integrations

Sharebox offers bi-directional communication with DMS providers, sharing information between your customers and your dealership management platform.

Vehicle damage check

Sharebox offers services for rental agencies, DSPs and transportation fleets. Captures BEFORE and AFTER video and photos to help prove and collect for minor damage that might be missed.

Customer ID verification

Sharebox offers digital identity control. Create trust at onboarding and beyond with a complete, AI-powered digital identity solution built to help you know your customers online.

Driver license validation

Sharebox offers verification for drivers. Quickly verify the identity of your renters, drivers, and riders, stay compliant, and protect your fleet.

ID verification & Electronic signature

Sharebox offers electronic signatures. A digital agreement opens up a world of value. A win-win-win: for customers, car dealerships and rental sites.

Contact us and we will look into adding your DMS, software or payment gateway as a native integration to Sharebox.

Sharebox software / API

Sharebox’s open API allows you to enjoy all of Sharebox’s functionalities.

Third-party software companies and end-users can utilize the Sharebox platform to control access within their applications.

The Sharebox solution includes access management software used for self-served check-in and checkout, and the hardware with kiosks and cabinets in different security levels. This gives businesses complete control of the entire self-served customer journey.

Integration with Sharebox API
An open API (often referred to as a public API) is a publicly available application programming interface that provides customers with programmatic access to the Sharebox software application and web service. Our API are set of requirements that govern how a customer application can communicate and interact with our system.

Our API allows customers to access certain internal functions of the Sharebox program, f.ex. book a reservation, open locker, send SMS to receiver and close service. Our API allows one piece of software to interact with another piece of software, whether within a single computer via a mechanism provided by the operating system or over an internal or external TCP/IP-based or non-TCP/IP-based network. Our API may be used by any customer who wishes to register for access to the interface.