Marius Bodvin

We had a chat with our Operation Manager, Marius Bodvin, and learned about his journey at Sharebox.
Keep reading to learn more!

Sharebox employee Marius Bodvin

1. Hi Marius, we start with your journey in Sharebox, when did you start, and what are your duties?

I startet in Sharebox desember 2022 as an Operations Coordinator handling customer support cases. My current role is, as of 1st of June Operations Manager. My main tasks are: Oversee and manage daily operations, develop and implement operational policies and processes as well as continuously evaluate and improve them, track key performance indicators (KPIs) and operational metrics to ensure that customer requirements and expectations are met.

2. Can you describe a typical day for you at Sharebox?

It’s always important to start the day with an operational standup. Going through what has happened since the previous day, and aligning on what needs to be done. After that it’s usually working on optimizing processes and other strategic related tasks while I’m catching up on e-mails and following up customers regarding ongoing cases.

3. What brought you to Sharebox? And can you tell us a bit about your background before you started here?

I had been working as a freelance consultant within UX design, 3d design, workshop facilitation, product management, technical drawings etc., for many years. At one point I was hired by Sharebox, and really enjoyed it. So, years later, when I saw that they were looking for new employees with a wide variety of skills, I reached out.

4. Which tools/programs do you use most in your work?

We are in a continuous process of finding the right tools for the job, but in general its: HubSpot, Power BI, Our internal portal, MS 365 and PagerDuty

5. What do you like best about your job at Sharebox, and do you have any tips for potential new employees who are about to start?

One of my favorite things about working for Sharebox is the communication across departments and the openness to ideas and critical questions. You really have that feeling of being part of a big team. There is also a good variety of tasks and opportunities for personal growth within the company. Another thing I find really satisfying, is helping our customers with whatever challenge they might have, keeping them happy, and their business more cost/time effective.

If you are a new employee in Sharebox, I would tell you to not be afraid to ask questions, even though you might feel it’s a stupid question or you should know the answer. We have all been there, and it might even shed some new light on whatever topic is being discussed. Be curious.

6. And finally, who is Marius outside of work?

I spend as much time as I can with my wife and two daughters. In the rest of my spare time, I run a small company called Arendal Leather Co., where my friend and I make 100% handmade leather goods. It’s important for me to have some creative output, and this is a really fun and satisfying way of doing just that. Everything from designing a new product, to seeing the result after spending hours cutting, hand sewing and finalizing the small details that makes it a heirloom piece that someone can pass on to the next generation.

Thank you for sharing a bit about your work in Sharebox Marius. Keep up the good work you are doing!