Malin Hesthag

We spoke with our Project Manager, Malin Hesthag, to hear about her journey at Sharebox.
Keep reading to find out more!

Malin Hesthag

1. Hi Malin, we start with your journey in Sharebox, when did you join, and what are your responsibilities?

I joined Sharebox September 2023 as a Project Manager in the MDI (Manufacturing, Delivery & Installation) department.
My primary role involves coordinating deliveries and installations for customers worldwide. Recently, I’ve also taken on the role of Hubspot (our CRM system) owner, where I focus on improving our CRM processes to enhance customer relations.

2. Can you describe a typical day for you at Sharebox?

My day starts with checking and responding to emails. My top priority is handling operational tasks related to customers, followed by focusing on process improvements and optimizing our systems. Every day brings something new, which keeps things exciting.

3. What brought you to Sharebox, and can you tell us a bit about your background before joining?

After 12 years in contract management, procurement, and logistics at Equinor in the oil and gas industry, both domestically and internationally, my family and I decided to move back to my hometown. I was eager to explore new opportunities and challenges and curious about the possibilities available in my hometown. Sharebox immediately caught my interest, and I applied for a position here—a decision I do not regret.

4. Which tools and programs do you use most in your work?

The main tools I use are HubSpot, MS 365, 24Seven, and our internal web portal. For the project management side of my role, I also work with shared portals in collaboration with our partners.

5. What do you enjoy most about your job at Sharebox? Any advice for new employees who are about to join?

What I enjoy most is the variety of tasks each day brings, the innovative atmosphere, and the strong collaboration across departments to find the best solutions for the company. I find it very fulfilling to contribute to identifying, optimizing, and systematizing the right solutions for our growth.
For new employees, my advice is simple: there are no stupid questions. Stay curious and keep asking questions. By doing so, you not only learn faster, but you also contribute to creating value for the company.

6. Finally, who is Malin outside of work? Any fun facts you’d like to share?

Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my partner and our two children, who are 3 and 6 years old. I love being outdoors—whether it’s hiking, skiing, jogging, taking evening walks with friends, or simply playing in the garden with the kids. I also enjoy traveling, working out, knitting, and relaxing in front of the TV.
Fun fact: I’m obsessed with hitting 10,000 steps on my Garmin watch every day!

Thank you, Malin, for sharing some insights about your work at Sharebox. Keep up the great work!